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Join HIMD’s mission to empower young women in Tanzania

Your support is helping us to educate people in rural communities about the effects of Female Genital Mutilation. And with your help we can offer a safe haven for the courageous young girls who ran away because they were forced to be married and mutilated.

Corporate Giving

HIMD is proud to partner with companies that share our commitment to protect and empower young women and girls in Tanzania. There are different ways to partner up with us. If you are interested, please call us on +255 752 882 969 or send us an e-mail.

Contact Information


+255 752 882 969

+255 754 882 969

SINCE 2008

Girls Rescued from FGM and Early Marriage

Teenage Mothers Supported

X - Mutilators supported for Alternative mean of income

FGM Cases Won in Court